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20 June 2011

Fundraising Kickoff

Over the next several months, I will be raising money for Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI). I need to raise $5000 to qualify to go on the Carter Work Project in Haiti in November. I've already overcome the first hurdle - being accepted as one of only 400 volunteers who get to go.

I first became involved in the CWP in 2006 when I was donating money online to HFHI after an earthquake in Pakistan.
Whenever there is a disaster, I donate to HFHI, because they're the ones who are there after the cameras and celebrities have gone home, working with the residents to rebuild their lives. On the donation page, a banner advertised, 'Now accepting applications for the CWP in India.' I hate hot weather, was terrified of planes, didn't particularly like travelling, and had no building skills. It was so contrary to my nature, I just had to go...

Through the CWP, I have helped build a village of 100 homes in India, a village of 82 homes (for the King, who turned 82 that year) in Thailand, and rehabbed a home in Los Angeles. I have never felt closer to God than I did at the home dedication in India. These builds are really hard for me, but never as hard as the living conditions that we are helping families leave behind when they get the keys to their new Habitat homes. Please make a difference to someone you'll never meet - I'll do the heavy lifting, I just need your help to get there.

Donations can be made on my Team Member Page - thanks!

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