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12 August 2011

Ding! Ding! Ding! You built a whole house!

My friends rock. Yeah, you guys. Less than two months into a five-month fundraiser, you have reached deep and donated to meet my $5000 goal. Special thanks to Dave Pietrowski, who did the math and made sure I hit goal exactly!

Each home that we build in Haiti costs between $5000-$7000 to construct. While I’ll be down there doing the work, it’s my friends and family who have made sure I have a house to build. Think of that – every one of you who has donated to this campaign is responsible for creating a solid, hurricane-proof cinderblock home in Haiti. The four walls that a family lives within. The roof that keeps them dry. The stability upon which a community can be rebuilt.

We can do more.

We can help purchase tools. Pay for materials for the school. Contribute to training programs that allow our homeowners to find work or start businesses. And make sure there’s money available to start the house I’m going to work on next year.

So, I’m updating my goal to $7000 — the high end of the cost of building one house — in hopes that those who haven’t yet donated can add to what we’ve raised, so we can give that much more to a program that really helps in a country that really, really needs it.

Please keep those donations coming!

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